When it comes to document management, our primary aim to be your partner. This means that you can use your premises and employees more efficiently and store your financial and other documents in one of our secure registries. Archiving will be tailored to your needs – we can use your own archiving system or sort the documents according to your specified criteria.
No job is too big or too small for us. Archiving does not have to end with the storage and sorting of documents – whether it concerns 100,000 folders or a single piece of paper. You will have 24-hour access to your information and be able to view or collect the documents any time. Archiving can also include document digitalization where the key data is extracted and utilized.
Our extensive experience has won us the trust of institutions that work with the most sensitive data – e.g. the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Chamber of Tax Advisors, Moravian Provincial Archive in Brno and a number of medical facilities. In addition to sensitive data, we often encounter historical documents from the second half of the 19th century. We have also processed documents that were nearly 300 years old.
Corporate facilities and human resources can be used much more efficiently than solely for archiving documentation. A practical and reliable solution is the external archiving of paper documents with the option to manage a related agenda.
Depending on the customer’s available space and facilities, documents can be collected with a smaller truck (2t; 3.5 t), or with a lorry. Documents up to about 60 m, i.e. 2,000 kg are collected using our own transport. In the case of more demanding projects, we use proven and reliable suppliers for these services. Collection and delivery of documents to the registry can also be handled by the customer's own transport.
Our standard service includes using the customer’s system of recording. Alternatively, this is completed with a shredding mark, period, year of shredding and everything is also recorded in an electronic form/list, which serves as the basis for subsequent communication with the customer. Documents archived in the above manner are filed on archiving (mobile, stationary, pallet) shelves in folders and archive boxes provided by the customer or by ourselves. This ensures the complete record-keeping of these documents, which facilitates subsequent searches for loans, including the final shredding of documents with an expired retention period. The process in fully implemented by the staff of ROYAL SEAL, s.r.o., whose experience extends to eight years and who are bound by non-disclosure agreements. Nobody, except the staff and executives of ROYAL SEAL, s.r.o. have access to the locked depots.
The commercial registries in Nová Ves near Oslavany and in Ústí nad Orlicí, fall under the supervision of the Moravian Provincial Archives in Brno. The buildings comply with all structural and technical and security conditions under the new Act No. 499/2004 Coll., on Archives and Record Management. Therefore the buildings comply with all fire safety requirements and are connected to the Fire Brigade and Central Security Desk; they are also fenced off, secured with mechanical and electronic security devices and located in flood free areas. The areas designated for archiving documents have controlled humidity and air temperature. The registries and the company are insured against loss, damage or destruction of any document for a minimum of 5 million CZK.
The actual list of files archived in the registries is accessible via the web application. Therefore, all requirements and communication for this activity demonstrably take place via the web interface. There is also the option of regular reporting of required data. A demonstration with fictitious documents is available upon request. Searching is subject to a charge and is based on the required time and hourly rate. A price per request can also be agreed.
Delivery of requested information:
After expiration of the retention period, each January we prepare a proposed shredding list, which is mailed to the customer for approval. Only after it is approved, do we proceed with processing the permission for shredding with the respective regional archive followed by actual liquidation under the applicable legislation = irreversible destruction of documents at level 2 = confidential. If need be, we adjust/extend the retention period as required. After shredding, we hand over the permission for shredding and the confirmation of destruction.
Blansko, Boskovice, Brno, Břeclav, Bučovice, Hodonín, Hustopeče, Ivančice, Kuřim, Kyjov, Mikulov, Moravský Krumlov, Pohořelice, Rosice, Šlapanice, Slavkov u Brna, Tišnov, Veselí nad Moravou, Vyškov, Židlochovice, Znojmo, Adamov, Bzenec, Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, Ivanovice na Hané, Klobouky u Brna, Letovice, Miroslav, Rousínov, Strážnice, Velká nad Veličkou, Velké Opatovice, Vranov nad Dyjí, Ždánice.
Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, Havlíčkův Brod, Humpolec, Chotěboř, Jihlava, Moravské Budějovice, Náměšť nad Oslavou, Nové Město na Moravě, Pacov, Pelhřimov, Světlá nad Sázavou, Telč, Třebíč, Velké Meziříčí, Žďár nad Sázavou, Golčův Jeníkov, Hrotovice, Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou, Jemnice, Kamenice nad Lipou, Ledeč nad Sázavou, Počátky, Polná, Přibyslav, Třešť, Velká Bíteš.
Hranice, Jeseník, Konice, Lipník nad Bečvou, Litovel, Mohelnice, Olomouc, Prostějov, Přerov, Šternberk, Šumperk, Uničov, Zábřeh, Hanušovice, Hlubočky, Javorník, Kojetín, Moravský Beroun, Němčice nad Hanou, Zlaté Hory.
Česká Třebová, Hlinsko, Holice, Chrudim, Králíky, Lanškroun, Litomyšl, Moravská Třebová, Pardubice, Polička, Přelouč, Svitavy, Ústí nad Orlicí, Vysoké Mýto, Žamberk, Heřmanův Městec, Choceň, Chrast, Chvaletice, Jablonné nad Orlicí, Jevíčko, Lázně Bohdaneč, Letohrad, Nasavrky, Skuteč, Třemošnice.
Broumov, Dobruška, Dvůr Králové nad Labem, Hořice, Hradec Králové, Jaroměř, Jičín, Kostelec nad Orlicí, Náchod, Nová Paka, Nové Město nad Metují, Nový Bydžov, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Trutnov, Vrchlabí, Červený Kostelec , Česká Skalice, Hostinné, Hronov, Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Kopidlno, Lázně Bělohrad, Nechanice, Opočno, Police nad Metují, Rokytnice v Orlických horách, Smiřice, Sobotka, Svoboda nad Úpou, Teplice nad Metují, Třebechovice pod Orebem, Týniště nad Orlicí, Úpice, Vamberk, Žacléř.